The Gryffe team was buzzing last Friday night as we descended on the Chartroom at Inverkip Marina for the Greenock Chamber of Commerce’s Bees Knees Awards. 300 of Inverclyde’s movers and shakers were present to see the cut glass trophies be presented to eleven very worthy winners.

Bees Knees 2015

Bees Knees Awards 2015

We were delighted to be involved as Media Sponsor. This involved us making thirty finalist and ten sponsor videos, as well as designing all of the big screen graphics. We also produced a beautiful time-lapse video, which was shown at the very start of the evening.

Welcome Video – Bees Knees 2015 from Gryffe Studios on Vimeo.

In addition to this, our sister company Gryffe Weddings was shortlisted for the Best Performing Business Award. Unfortunately we didn’t win this but, having been in the unique position of meeting all of the finalists, we truly appreciate what a difficult job the judges must have had. There are truly some talented people in Inverclyde!
Well done to the Greenock Chamber for putting on another amazing night – and also for arranging for the sun to come out. We hope there weren’t too many sore heads in the morning!
#beesknees2015 #inverclyde

It’s been a busy few weeks at Gryffe Studios and it shows no signs of slowing down!
We’ve now completed filming of all of the Bees Knees Awards finalist and sponsor videos. It’s just the small matter of all the editing work! But it’s shaping up brilliantly and we can’t wait for the world premiere at the awards on Friday 5th June!

Bees Knees Awards 2015

Greenock was abuzz with excitement last week when the Queen Mary 2 docked. The city gave the vessel an amazing send-off and we were there to capture it.

QM2 Cruise Ship

We’ve also been busy with our corporate work – having undertaken two client portraits and a Kickstarter video in recent weeks.


Yvonne, our in-house designer, has been busy creating our new website. Check it out