Gryffe Studios – News – Blog – Video Production & Design Agency Based In Greenock

We’re buzzing about being asked to be Media Sponsor at the Greenock Chamber of Commerce’s annual Bees Knees Awards for the second year running. The 2016 Awards were launched this week at the Waterfront Cinema to a packed audience of representatives from Inverclyde’s diverse and flourishing business sector.

Last year we had the privilege of filming all of the finalists and category sponsors and it was a real eye opener to see first-hand the wealth of talent in Inverclyde. We also filmed the Awards dinner and provided all of the big screen motion graphics. We’re looking forward to getting out and about again and seeing what 2016’s finalist crop brings. I’m sure we’ll be amazed, inspired and encouraged again by the incredible people living and working in this area.

Here is just one of last year’s winners, Trade Right International, who took home the award for Most Promising New Business.

And here is the time-lapse intro film we made for the start of the evening.

Find out how you can be involved with this year’s Bees Knees Awards here:

We’re delighted to announce that Gryffe Studios will be the Media Sponsor for the second year running for the Greenock Chamber Bees Knees Awards 2016!

Our role of media sponsor includes creating short videos for all the sponsors and nominees. We’re looking forward to going out and filming all the many great companies in Inverclyde that will eventually be short-listed for awards.

The videos are played on the evening of the awards to demonstrate why each company is so good at what they do.

We also create all the motion graphics for the large screens on the night of the awards.

Before that though, we’ve got the 2016 launch event to look forward to, which is on Tuesday 26th January 2016 at Waterfront Cinema – Greenock. We look forward to seeing all the great businesses that have previously participated in the Bees Knees there, as well as hopefully a whole load of new businesses that would like to find out more about what the awards are about.

Its a great opportunity to network with Inverclyde’s established, and up and coming business leaders, so if you’ve got a spare couple of hours, come along. We’ll be showing off all the videos from last years shortlisted companies on the big screen. And, if that’s not a good enough reason to come along, there’s going to be FREE popcorn on the go!!!

We’ll also be doing our thing, like we always do at events, and making a wee film, so make sure to give your hair a brush, and put on a decent suit if you can manage it on the day!

Here’s the film from last years launch day, to get you in the mood.


The Gryffe team was buzzing last Friday night as we descended on the Chartroom at Inverkip Marina for the Greenock Chamber of Commerce’s Bees Knees Awards. 300 of Inverclyde’s movers and shakers were present to see the cut glass trophies be presented to eleven very worthy winners.

Bees Knees 2015

Bees Knees Awards 2015

We were delighted to be involved as Media Sponsor. This involved us making thirty finalist and ten sponsor videos, as well as designing all of the big screen graphics. We also produced a beautiful time-lapse video, which was shown at the very start of the evening.

Welcome Video – Bees Knees 2015 from Gryffe Studios on Vimeo.

In addition to this, our sister company Gryffe Weddings was shortlisted for the Best Performing Business Award. Unfortunately we didn’t win this but, having been in the unique position of meeting all of the finalists, we truly appreciate what a difficult job the judges must have had. There are truly some talented people in Inverclyde!
Well done to the Greenock Chamber for putting on another amazing night – and also for arranging for the sun to come out. We hope there weren’t too many sore heads in the morning!
#beesknees2015 #inverclyde

It’s been a busy few weeks at Gryffe Studios and it shows no signs of slowing down!
We’ve now completed filming of all of the Bees Knees Awards finalist and sponsor videos. It’s just the small matter of all the editing work! But it’s shaping up brilliantly and we can’t wait for the world premiere at the awards on Friday 5th June!

Bees Knees Awards 2015

Greenock was abuzz with excitement last week when the Queen Mary 2 docked. The city gave the vessel an amazing send-off and we were there to capture it.

QM2 Cruise Ship

We’ve also been busy with our corporate work – having undertaken two client portraits and a Kickstarter video in recent weeks.


Yvonne, our in-house designer, has been busy creating our new website. Check it out

… as Greenock Chamber celebrates resilience, innovation and success of local businesses

Thirty companies have been revealed as finalists in the Greenock Chamber of Commerce’s Bee’s Knees Awards 2015. This is the 12th year of the awards initiative, which continues to throw the spotlight on Inverclyde’s top business talent and raise the profile of the region.

One winner in each of the ten categories will be announced to a business audience at the Bee’s Knees Awards and Gala Dinner in the Marquee at the Chartroom, Kip Marina, on Friday 5 June 2015. The Lifetime Achievement Award will be revealed on the night.

“Our Bee’s Knees awards are all about celebrating the fantastic businesses we have right here in Inverclyde by showcasing their resilience, innovation and success,” said Steven Watson, Greenock Chamber President and CEO of Stepwell. “Along with our sponsor partners at the Gala Dinner next month, we will throw the spotlight on all our finalists – businesses that are driving our economic growth through their local, national and international endeavours. They represent an exciting diversity of companies, which put Inverclyde on the business radar not solely here in the UK but also globally.

“Over the past few weeks, our judges have heard presentations from an inspiring line up of shortlisted candidates, before selecting three finalists in each category. We have also selected our recipient of the Lifetime Achievement accolade, who will be revealed on the night. Our many congratulations go to all the finalists.”

Bee’s Knees Awards 2015 finalists are:

Emerging Young Talent – Sponsored by Inverclyde Council
Richard Robb Architects – Michael McLoone; West Coast Cinemas – Helena Ptolomey; Whyte & Christie – Philip Moir;

Most Promising New Business – Sponsored by Business Gateway
The Albany, Beacon Arts Centre and Trade Right International (Carishea)

Excellence in Customer Focus – Sponsored by Caledonian MacBrayne
Babycakes, Enchanted Forest Early Learning and Inverclyde Globetrotters

Excellence in Marketing & Communications – Sponsored by Oak Mall Shopping Centre
Caledonian MacBrayne, Mearns T McCaskie and Quarriers

Excellence in Skills and Learning – Sponsored by West College Scotland
Enchanted Forest Early Learning, IBM and Seatrek Marine Services

Best Use of New Technology or Innovation – Sponsored by Autotec Scotland Ltd
Ardgowan Hospice, Finlaystone Country Estate and Tweetiepie Media

Best Performing Small Business – Sponsored by University of the West of Scotland
Gryffe Weddings, MacDonald & Co – Wealth Management and Seatrek Marine Services

Best Performing Medium Business – Sponsored by Holt Leisure
Finlaystone Country Estate, Holiday Inn Express and West Coast Cinemas

Best Performing Large Business – Sponsored by Riverside Inverclyde
Caledonian MacBrayne, Enchanted Forest Early Learning and IBM

Inverclyde Goes Global – Sponsored by Texas Instruments (UK) Ltd
IBM, Inverclyde Globetrotters and PG Paper India

Winners will be presented with a glass trophy with all finalists awarded a certificate, as well as receiving a DVD about their business, specially produced for the awards ceremony by media sponsor Gryffe Studios. PR sponsor is Elaine Stewart Public Relations Ltd and Print and Programme sponsor is Love & Humphries.

The Bee’s Knees Awards ceremony and Gala Dinner will be hosted by Phil Harkins, Senior Vice President of Greenock Chamber and MEA Delivery at Concentrix. For those who want to dance the night away, an after show party will round off the evening in the Chartroom, with the opportunity to also sit back, relax and continue networking in the marquee.

Greenock Chamber is inviting everyone to get the buzz going by tweeting in the run up to this year’s Bee’s Knees Awards ceremony. Simply tag your tweets #BeesKnees2015 to join in the chat.

More details about the Gala Dinner are available online at The Greenock Chamber where you can also connect with Greenock Chamber on Twitter or Facebook, or contact Chief Executive Helen McCormick on tel: 01475 888622, email:


Elaine (Stewart) Nicol
Elaine Stewart Public Relations Ltd (ESPR)
Tel: 01555 664167
Mob: 07703 191095

We are delighted to be involved with this year’s Inverclyde Business Awards – The Bees Knees – in our role as Media Sponsor.

As well as filming the prestigious awards dinner on the 5th June, we are producing all of the motion graphics and videos for the finalists and sponsors.

This role has taken us all over Inverclyde, filming 40 videos in just three weeks! We have met some amazingly talented people, with such incredible drive and passion for what they do. It’s been truly inspiring.

Our sister company, Gryffe Weddings, is a finalist in the Best Performing Small Business category alongside MacDonald and Co Wealth Management and Seatrek Training Ltd.

MacDonald and Co are a vibrant bunch of number crunchers, based in Gourock, and we received such a warm welcome – particularly from the office dog, Pippa!


Seatrek are based in the stunning Inverkip Marina and offer a variety of nautical training. Although the weather wasn’t on our side when we visited, this didn’t affect the sunny disposition of Lesley and her staff.SeaTrek

The University of the West of Scotland are sponsoring this category and it was lovely to welcome Lorraine into our studios to film her short segment. It must have been tough for the judges to select the winner in this category and, although we are obviously rooting for Gryffe Weddings, each of our fellow finalists would also be worthy winners.University of West of Scotland


In March 2015, the Gryffe Studios team began planning something special for April Fool’s Day. What then followed was a masterclass in brand development, design and promotion. This is what we achieved in just 7 days….


Meat-flavoured wedding cakes are the hottest wedding trend for 2015.

Brand development


We needed a company name, branding, company ethos, company background and product line. After some brainstorming, Mr Beefcakes was born. We choose this name for three reasons:

  • ‘Beefcakes’ explains in one word what the business does
  • ‘Mr Beefcakes’ gives the business a personality. We could then use our male actor to portray ‘Mr Beefcake’
  • Beefcakes also conjurs up Scottish imagery i.e ‘Scottish beefcake’

For the logo and branding, we had several ideas including a kilt-wearing man holding a cake, a tartan cupcake case and, finally, the one we choose – a cupcake with antlers. We went for a pink theme, to feminise the masculine brand and make it more attractive to women.

The devil is most definitely in the detail with any brand. It’s important to pre-empt what information consumers will want to know. So, we spent some time finalising the way the business would operate – from the cooking process to the company’s background.

The cakes themselves would be infused with meat. Any meat products would be freeze-dried, blended to powder and then added to a traditional cake mix. The cakes would look and have the texture of a ‘normal’ cake but have a meaty flavour.

It was important that Mr Beefcake was ethical. So we decided that he would only use the finest organic produce from local suppliers, where possible.

Mr Beefcakes was founded by Roger and Flora Poli (April Fool anagram) in 2012. They had been asked to make a bacon and maple syrup cake for a Canadian couple’s nuptials. The response was overwhelming and the business (and product line) grew arms and legs.



Our in-house designer created this website – – in just two days. With a simple, easy-to-navigate layout, an approachable and appealing colour scheme and some eye-catching graphics and photos, the website perfectly represented the brand.

Social Media

We decided to simplify our social media strategy. Ordinarily with a brand, we would have a presence over several social media platforms including Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram and YouTube. However, the social presence for Mr Beefcakes was really just about establishing its credibility and giving people a place to feedback on 1st April. We posted about a week’s worth of engaging posts to give the page some life prior to its official launch.

Promotional video and photos


As we are also a video production company, and the main purpose of Mr Beefcakes was to drive traffic to the Scottish Wedding Channel, it was vital we produced a believable and engaging video. Using our in-house studio and styling the shoot with shop-bought cakes, we enlisted an actor to play Mr Beefcakes. The shoot was scripted and structured to resemble a feature on a talk show. It is about 4 minutes long as it was vital is was succinct. The video captures the personality of Mr Beefcakes – as well as the quality of the cakes themselves.

Our photography team also took some gorgeous product shots, meaning we had images we could use promotionally.

Brand awareness

Within 24 hours of going live, our Mr Beefcakes promotional video was watched 5700 times. The FB post was shared 27 times and our Mr Beefcakes facebook page generated hundreds of comments.

Our talented team created and promoted a brand within 7 days. As well as brand development, we offer a large number of skills including:

  • Website development
  • Logo design
  • Animation and graphics
  • Video production
  • Product shots
  • Social Media training and management
  • Event organisation

Whether you have a new business idea that needs promoted, or you want to reevaluate the direction of your existing brand, we have the expertise to drive your company forward.