The five steps to an awesome promotional video

Here at Gryffe Studios, producing top quality promotional videos is what we do, but we recognise that not everyone has the insight, experience, and expertise that we do. That’s why we’ve put together these promotional video tips to break down the five stages of video production so you can learn a little bit more about the process.

1.Getting your creative choices flowing

Brainstorming Video Production

First things first, when putting out any kind of promotional video you need a first class idea that will capture your target audience’s attention. At this stage, you can brainstorm every idea, angle, and crazy dream for your video, until you come up with the perfect message that fits with your brand. Only once you have this message can you move on to the next stages.

2.Embarking on pre-production

promotional video tips

Once you have a good, solid idea that everyone’s agreed on, the pre-production stage is where you iron out the kinks, if you will. At this point of the process, storyboards need to be drafted and perfected, locations need to be chosen, and cameras need to be set up ready for the most exciting part of all!

3. Getting right into the action

Video Production Filming

This is where the fun really starts: production. This is where you fit all the pieces of the creative puzzle together and create something marvelous. If you’ve done all the required prior planning, the production of your video should be a breeze. Here you can finally take all of the energy and hard work that you spent developing your idea and transform it into the actual video.

4. Perfecting the video with post-production

Video Production Post Production

Once you have the bare bones of the video, it’s time to work on the details in post-production. You might need several cuts of your video before everything is just right, and post-production can take time and patience, but the effort will be well worth it once you have the perfect video to share with the world!

5. Getting your video out there

Video Marketing

Now you have the finished product perfected to within an inch of its life, it’s time to release it to the big wide world. For this final step you need to think about what platforms you want to use, and how best to target your ideal audience. Once you have this down, it’s time to get the video out there!

So there you have it – the five stages of video production. We hope you’ve learned something new, and that we might even have persuaded you to embark on your own video making journey!


If you would like a FREE Promotional Video quote for your business – just get in touch